Very excited to announce that Bowery Media, Inc. has added our film, Killing Lust, to their slate and is taking it to Marché du Film at the Cannes Film Festival!
Very excited to announce that Bowery Media, Inc. has added our film, Killing Lust, to their slate and is taking it to Marché du Film at the Cannes Film Festival!
We don’t even know how to begin to thank all of the CREW and CAST of Smoking Gun! It was an amazing experience working with everyone and seeing how well we all came together in such a short time to bring this story to life. We had a blast during production and now we are off to post-production!
Best Regards,
Bobadilla Productions
I recently made a trip to the Congreso de Cine in Dominican Republic. The film industry in DR continues to grow and keeps getting better and better. I’m taking the first steps to breathe life into my first feature film, titled Diamante En Bruto, which I plan to shoot in the Dominican Republic. Also, many thanks to Lauren Henderson for providing a conceptual one sheet.
Spanish: Yo recientemente viaje al Congreso de Cine en la Republica Dominicana. La industria de cine en la Republica Dominicana sigue creciendo y se esta poniendo mejor todos los dias. Estoy tomando pasos pequenos para realizar la primera pelicula largometraje mia, titulada Diamante En Bruto, que planeo filmar en la Republica Dominicana.
Unfortunately, we just heard back that our film, Diamante En Bruto, was not one of the projects selected for Mica Meetings in Mexico. We were hoping to have the opportunity to pitch our film to Spanish language distributors and producers through Mica Meetings. It seems like a great event to pitch films and meet other filmmakers as well, so check it out if you are a Spanish speaking filmmaker. Better luck next year. I guess...
Mica Meetings: El Mercado e Industria del Cine y el Audiovisual (MICA) es una iniciativa que promueve a la industria audiovisual de Iberoamérica desde la Ciudad de México.
- Bobadilla Productions Team