PARTY USA (2025)

Status: Post-production

Director: Jared Sprouse

Writer: Jared Sprouse

Starring: Ainsley Seiger (Law & Order: Organized Crime) and Phillip Andre Botello (V/H/S/ Beyond).

When Taylor’s father passes away she struggles to cover her party store job. After being penalized for missing her shift, she snaps, killing her General Manager.

EL GALLO (2025)

EL GALLO (2025)

Status: Development

Directors: Pablo Bobadilla & Emilia Cotella

Writers: Pablo Bobadilla & Emilia Cotella

Spanish: Malena y Lucas, desesperados por ser padres, juntos se convierten en el instrumento para que el anticristo ingrese al mundo.

English: Malena and Lucas, desperately trying to become parents, together become the instrument for the antichrist to enter the world.

UBIQUITOUS a Quarterfinalist at the SCREENCRAFT Film Fund Competition.

Just received word that UBIQUITOUS, our latest project in development, was selected as a Quarterfinalist for the @screen_craft Film Fund Competition and it is still in the running. @the_happy_chapter @bobadillaproductions @ubiquitous_film #horror #independentfilm #thriller#technology #mentalhealth #screenplay #development#producing #writer